
School of Production Engineering and Management,Technical  University of Crete
The Technical University of Crete is a small, young, dynamic University with a clear mission: to expand knowledge and benefit society through research integrated with education. In this endeavour, the pursuit of excellence is the driving force. More than 70 laboratories with prime equipment, high technology infrastructure and eminently qualified personnel, as well as 120 faculty and staff members with international academic background attest to the level of excellence in education and research conducted at the University. The School of Production Engineering and Management, welcomed its first students in 1984 and the first graduate students in 1986. The curriculum of the school consists of modern technologies, production systems, management and decision making, finance, operational research as well as ergonomic design, control systems, materials, mechatronics and robotics (

Department of Economics and Sustainable Development, Harokopio University of Athens
Harokopio University of Athens is a public university dedicated to promoting research and learning in a small, well focused set of intellectual areas. The University’s excellent campus facilities houses four academic departments, the central administration, the library, the IT centre and student advisory services. The Department of Economics and Sustainable Development aims to promote scientific knowledge and research on subjects related to the domestic economy, the organization and operation of the family, as well as the management of the natural and cultural environment (
INFER – International Network for Economic Research
INFER is a non-profit organisation supporting research in all areas of economics. It has been established in Germany and has members from all continents. Researchers and practitioners from all fields of economics are welcomed as INFER members. Universities or research centers can join INFER as institutional members. INFER also aims to become a dissemination partner for large research projects. (



Frontiers in Sustainability  aims to empower scientists to become far more involved in the sustainability discussion and ensure that their research results are openly and freely accessible to other researchers, industries and policy makers. This transdisciplinary journal brings various disciplines and sciences together to foster a holistic and integrated approach to a multidisciplinary discourse, addressing complex adaptive systems engineering, sustainable process design, practical production, environmental, resource use and sustainability challenges that cannot be tackled in isolation. The journal contributes in advancing Goal 8, 9 and 12 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Academic Partners

Department of Environmental Engineering; Democritus University of Thrace
Democritus University of Thrace is currently operating eight Schools and nineteen Departments participating in several transnational and national projects. Research focuses in several scientific areas such as engineering, IT, environmental and agricultural sciences, medicine, molecular biology, law, economics, sociology, humanities, education, and physical education. The Department of Environmental Engineering is the first of its kind in Greece, established in 1993 to educate engineers for the environmental protection challenges of modern society (
Hellenic Association for Energy Economics
The Hellenic Association for Energy Economics is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, research organization, dedicated to providing an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of knowledge, information & experience among energy industry experts, academic, government and other professionals interested in energy economics. (
Harper Adams University
Food, Land and Agribusiness Management Department
As the population grows, so do our demands on the planet. Managing this resource has never been so important. Since it was founded in 1901, Harper has been designed to meet this challenge. Set on a 550 hectare farm, is a leading specialist university tackling the future development of our planet's food production, processing, animal sciences, engineering, land management and sustainable business. HAU’S mission is to provide world leading higher education and research for the delivery of sustainable food chains and the protection of rural resources for future generations. Main Subject areas: Agriculture, Animal Sciences, Business and Agri-food, Environment, Sustainability and Wildlife, Engineering, Food Technology and Innovation, Rural Estate, Property and Land Management Veterinary Nursing and Physiotherapy, Zoology. (
University of Twente
The University of Twente, known for its motto "High Tech, Human Touch," excels in integrating advanced technology with societal needs. Its innovative research and educational programs in sustainability and the circular economy emphasize the development of resource-efficient, resilient systems. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, the university promotes sustainable practices and solutions, contributing to global environmental sustainability and the transition to a circular economy. This unique approach ensures that technological advancements are aligned with human and environmental well-being. (
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania
Τhe International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) is a Mediterranean intergovernmental organisation composed of 13 Member States (Albania, Algeria, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey). It operates through its 4 Institutes based in Bari (Italy), Chania (Greece), Montpellier (France) and Zaragoza (Spain) and the Headquarters based in Paris. As a key player in multilateral cooperation in the fields of sustainable agriculture and fisheries, food systems, coastal and rural development (
Sustainable Manufacturing Systems Centre (SMSC)
The Sustainable Manufacturing Systems Centre (SMSC) at Cranfield University is a world-leading centre focusing on transforming manufacturing for a low-carbon economy. SMSC academic and research staff create new models of best practice to help businesses think green, smart and (c)lean. Fundamental science and thought leadership on the technological, economic and social context to identify ways forward for commercial success and sustainability are applied. Activities are tailored to industry partner needs and include applied research, technology transfer, teaching, consultancy and short courses. There are three strategic focus areas for our work: manufacturing processes, systems, modelling and simulation (

Supporting Partners

The transition toward a sustainable circular economy is the necessary pathway to achieve most UN Sustainable Development Goals and the EU has placed ecological transition at the center of its investment efforts with the Next Generation EU program. Building the transition from the linear to the circular paradigm is therefore the fundamental challenge of the coming decades. The technological solutions and policies are still insufficient and this makes interdisciplinary research on the subject absolutely urgent. PEACE aims to support the development of circular economy models. (
CIRCUL-A-BILITY is a pan-European COST supporting network of actors involved in all aspects of food packaging, including material scientists, food scientists, industry end-users, consumer scientists and policy makers. The network works to harmonise and integrate food packaging related research, share information, support industry in the implementation of sustainable packaging systems, create authoritative working groups able to give science based recommendation to consumers, user groups, policy makers and industry. It is expected that such COST action activities will 1) valorize the current technical advances, 2) speed the preparation of prototypes beyond the interest of single stakeholders and to the benefit of the European landscape;  3) avoid duplication of efforts in research in adjacent fields; 4) accelerate technology transfer and entrepreneurship; 5) elevate the scientific capacity and research ranking of the COST working members. (
Sustainable Circular Economy Transition: from Industrial Symbiosis to Hubs for Circularity – IS2H4C
Heavily industrialised areas struggle to embrace large-scale industrial symbiosis, hindering progress in sustainable regional development despite EU priorities. With this in mind, the EU-funded IS2H4C project proposes innovative solutions through its Hubs for Circularity (H4C) initiative, strategically located in industrial areas across Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and Türkiye. By integrating cutting-edge sustainable technologies and fostering collaboration among societal, governmental and business stakeholders, IS2H4C aims to transform these areas into vibrant, circular ecosystems. The project also leverages a digital version of H4C for resource and information sharing to reduce energy consumption, waste and carbon emissions by at least 10%, 20% and 30% respectively. (

Grant agreement ID: 101138473
Region of Crete
The Region of Crete is one of the 13 regions of Greece. It includes the island of Crete and smaller islands such as Gavdos, Gavdopoula, Zeus, Chrysi, Koufonissi and the islands of Dionysades. Crete is the largest island in Greece and the second largest in the eastern Mediterranean after Cyprus. It is located at the southern tip of the Aegean Sea. (
Regional Development Fund of Crete

Contact Information

Questions may be directed to the
local Symposium organizers 

Symposium Secretariat
Μaria Bakatsaki

Questions about INFER may be
directed to the Chair of INFER
Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod

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